Adobe USA 2005

The Third Conference - Honoring the Work of Simone Swan

Date: May 20, 21 and 22, 2005
Location: Northern New Mexico Community College, El Rito Campus
Organizer: Adobe Association of the Southwest

Adobe USA 2005 - Conference Schedule

Friday May 20, 2005
Session I: 1:30PM to 4:30 PM

  • Jean Fulton, Cornerstones Community Partnerships, Santa Fe, NM, Volunteerism and the Socorro Mission Preservation Project

  • Francisco Uvina Contreras, Cornerstones Community Partnerships, Santa Fe, NM and Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca, PhD., Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco, Mexico, Adobe Training in Aguas Calientes, Mexico.

  • Carl Rosenberg, San Cristobal, NM, Energy in Natural Building – Embodied and Operating

  • Mack Caldwell, Oklahoma University, Earthworks in China

  • 5PM to 6:30PM

  • 7PM to 7:40 PM
    Honors: Simone Swan

  • 7:40PM to 8:30PM
    Special Presentation: Ronald Rael, School of Architecture, Clemson University, South Carolina, Yemen 2005

  • 8:30PM to 9:30PM
    Social Hour

Saturday May 21, 2005
Session II: 9:30AM to 12N

  • Patrick Taylor, Cornerstones Community Partnerships, Santa Fe, NM, Plasters, Renderings and How They Work

  • Joaquin Karcher, One Earth Design, Taos, NM, Commonalities and differences between the European and the US Adobe Scenes

  • Antonio Guerrero Arzaga, Architect, Mexico, Alfonso Aguirre, Architect, Mexico, Restoration and adaptive reuse for the Hacienda de Sombreretillo

  • Richard Burt, PhD., Department of Construction Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, The Witchert Buildings of Buckinghamshire, England

  • 1:30PM to 5PM
    Tutorials and Hands-on Demonstrations
    Mark Chalom, Architect, Santa Fe, NM, Solar Adobe Tutorial
    Joe Tibbets, The Adobe Builder, Sabinal, NM, The New Adobe Code Tutorial
    Chuck Kondas, NM, Mud Plaster Spray Pump Demonstration
    NNMCC Students, El Rito NM, Adobe Wall, Corner and Arch Tutorial
    Pat Taylor, Santa Fe, NM, Lime Plaster

  • 5PM to 6:30PM

  • 7PM to 8PM
    Special Presentation: Quentin Branch, Rammed Earth Solar Homes, Inc., Oracle, AZ. An Extensive Portfolio of Rammed Earth

  • 9PM to 9:00PM
    Social Hour-Films, Slide Shows and Re-Runs

Sunday May 22, 2005
Session III: 9:30AM to 12N

  • John Barton, Architect, Santa Fe & Ojo Caliente, NM Recent Projects

  • Carl Rosenberg, San Cristobal, NM, Building Science Basics for Adobe Building

  • Jorge Calderon-Trueba and Nubia Valles, Architects, Juarez/El Paso, Recent Projects

  • Ed Crocker, Crocker Ltd. Santa Fe, NM, Racing Alone: The Dangers of Regionalism Isolationism and Trade Secrets

  • Amer Rghei, PhD., Department of Architectural Engineering, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, UAE, The Renovation of Earthen Settlements in North Africa: A Strategic Approach to Underground Heritage